Project Stealth Squad [PRO5T]

The Initiative. [INIT.]

CEOKayron ZaebosTax rate0.10000000149012%
Alliance The Initiative.Headquarters

Alliance history

Project Stealth SquadThe Initiative.2016-06-26 22:502025-03-06 16:098 years, 8 months, 7 days, 17 hours and 19 minutes
Project Stealth SquadThe Initiative.2012-12-18 20:192016-06-26 22:503 years, 6 months, 8 days, 2 hours and 31 minutes
Project Stealth SquadInitiative Mercenaries2012-04-21 12:202012-12-18 20:197 months, 27 days, 7 hours and 59 minutes
Project Stealth SquadAvaricious Cartel2011-11-15 16:212012-04-21 12:205 months, 5 days, 19 hours and 59 minutes
Project Stealth SquadBricK sQuAD.2011-06-16 20:112011-11-15 16:214 months, 29 days, 20 hours and 10 minutes
Project Stealth SquadMajesta Empire2010-01-08 19:232011-06-16 20:111 year, 5 months, 8 days and 48 minutes
Project Stealth SquadEvent Horizon.2009-02-27 06:012010-01-08 19:2310 months, 12 days, 13 hours and 22 minutes
u'CEO: Kayron Zaebos
Recruitment Status: selektive Rekrutierung
Recruiter: Etara Yotosala

deutschsprachig, german speaking

Wir sind eine zielgerichtete Nullsec Corp welche gro\xdfen
Wert auf Zusammenhalt und gemeinsamen Spa\xdf legt.
Unser Schwerpunkt liegt dementsprechend auf Spa\xdf,
aber unsere Member sind in allen Berufssparten erfahren
und verf\xfcgen \xfcber ein mehrj\xe4hriges Wissen in EVE.

Wenn du Interesse an uns oder unserem Wissen hast
schau doch einmal im PROST.Public Channel vorbei.'



~ Updated at: 2025-03-06 16:09:07 ~

~ Next update in: 50 minutes ~

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